2024 Short Film Scriptwriting Competition
Our annual award with a £1000 prize - Free to Enter
Brief: The Wedding Dress.

This year’s short film script competition gives you a LOT of scope for imagination, drama and creativity, we hope you enjoy it.
Brief: The Wedding Dress.
The set-up could not be simpler.
Your story will begin…at the end, with a beautiful (but maybe slightly worn-looking) wedding dress, hanging in the window of a charity store or junk shop.
You can think of that shot as the punchline or reveal or payoff.
Your job, in a script of 5 mins or less, will be to tell the story of how/why the dress ended up there.
The genre is entirely up to you - comedy, horror, sci-fi, rom-com, anything you like.
We just want to see that you can come up with an engaging/memorable story and tell it well.
Only rules?
We won’t consider any entry that looks clearly over 5 mins.
We won’t consider any submission that is not answering this particular brief.
We hope you’ll agree that’s fair.
Be imaginative, be creative, be on brief and have your scripts with us for judging by the 31st January 2025 at the latest.
The winner will receive £1000 and one of our sensational and beautifully designed iconic Black Shark head trophies.
Very best of luck, we look forward to receiving your submission.​​​